I am seeing the Desert Rose already responding.
I really can’t tell whether the plant food is working or not because I just got it. This review should’ve been done after a couple of weeks or months.
The best it works in just a week after using new buds and flowers started to bloom I will definitely be buying again thank you Farmer’s Secret I truly appreciate you ❤️🙏🏼
Excellent seller, excellent product and amazing service. There product works and works well
It’s only been like a week and I see a difference already I’d recommend this product Superior quality, superior service, fast shipping, trustworthy seller. I'm a very happy customer absolutely the best and very well packaged
I'm a new user- so it's too early to actually see results.
But a friend told me she would never be without this.
I'm confident my plants will benefit as well
Customer Service plus Shipping was great.
I have applied the product and waiting for the outcome,
My plants had started to turn yellow after I repotted them. I searched and found farmers secret snake plant food water them twice now they are green again. And everyday looking and doing better.
Gave some trees soil revitalized that where in limbo/struggling month later could notice that they have perked up
Will give them a nother dose with soil boost in the spring
I've put down several applications on my yard which was hammered from a long hot summer. I've seen a 180deg turnaround in overall lawn condition. Thanks!
Before using this plant food on my pothos they were sad and new growth was rare. It’s been about 2 weeks since I fed my plants with the pothos plant food from farmers secret and they are THRIVING!! A little of the concentrate goes a long way. Worth every penny.
About to try this product for the fist time on my seedlings. What is the ratio? 1/2 tsp to 1 gallon of water?
What and where to contact saler, phone number, location -where located?
It's almost automatic like the first time I used it. I used it with a hose sprayer and I hooked it to my hose and I watered my whole garden. Everything my trees. God even my grass came out better. My fruit came out bigger. My leaves. My avocado plants started producing more leaves like new baby leaves like almost automatically. It was cool. So now I do it every other week.